If we do not have the book, DVD, audiobook, or CD that you want, we may be able to locate and borrow it from another library through a national library collection sharing program called Interlibrary Loan or ILL. Use our online request form to request materials from other libraries through Interlibrary Loan.
*Please be sure to search the Main Library Alliance catalog before submitting an ILL request. ILL requests can only be made if the item is not available within the Main Library Alliance catalog.
Anyone with a valid Roxbury Public Library card may request items through the ILL service. Because interlibrary loan requests are very labor intensive there is a limit of 3 active interlibrary loan requests per customer.
We will try to borrow any kind of material that is held by another library. We are most successful in borrowing books, DVDs, CDs, and audiobooks. We are less successful in borrowing reference materials such as genealogy books because most libraries are unwilling to send these books via mail to other libraries.
Generally, no. However at times a loaning library will charge a nominal fee to cover postage and/or processing costs. When this happens, we will inform you and if you still wish for the items we'll pass the charge on to you.
For your convenience, you may request items online, by phone, by email, or in person as follows:
Our staff can help identify the exact citation. Do not hesitate to ask for help.
Turnaround time can vary greatly depending on a variety of factors including the availability of any specific item, the distance of the lending library, etc. The average turnaround time is between two and three weeks.
Unless the loaning library indicates otherwise, the loan period is four weeks.. You will be notified if the loaning library has placed any restrictions on the lending period.
Unfortunately we are unable to offer renewals on items obtained from other libraries through ILL.