Created especially for people who love books, NoveList Plus is the premier online database for reading recommendations, available through libraries around the world. Helping readers of all ages find just the right book to read, this comprehensive source of popular and professional book information includes expert recommendations, reviews, articles, lists and more.
Read-alike recommendations
NoveList recommendations are crafted by experts, and it lets you know who wrote a recommendation and why the recommendation makes sense. NoveList offer recommendations for titles, authors, and series.
Series information
A common challenge for readers -- NoveList Plus has full series information.
A single place for reviews
Tired of searching multiple places just to find out what people are saying about a book? NoveList includes reviews from professionals (Booklist, Kirkus, Library Journal, Publishers Weekly, School Library Journal), as well as from readers (via Goodreads). One stop shopping!
Top ten, best of, favorites -- there are hundreds of reading lists that make it really easy to quickly find great books to read.
Award winners, all in one place
There are A LOT of book awards out there -- Caldecott Medal, Pulitzer, Man Booker, etc. NoveList tracks them all!